Friday, September 14, 2012

You Can Donate HAIR?!?

I did something fun today.
Yep, that's me.  Ten inches lighter!
I'm so happy.  I love my new 'do but more importantly, I'm excited about what my old hair is about to do.  Along with 8 other ponytails, my hair will make someone feel a little bit better.  I don't want someone to put off or avoid getting a life saving treatment out of fear of losing her hair.  

One day the American Cancer Society will give that hair to another woman.  And it cost me nothing!  Well, the price of postage and a haircut.  In the process, I found a great, local salon that uses the same Aveda products that I use at home so technically, it's a win for me, too.

This is the third time I've donated my hair.  Now I've given to Pantene Beautiful Lengths and Locks for Love, which donates to kids with long-term medical hair loss.

To me, it was just hair.  To someone else, it will mean so much more.  

What's the most unusual thing you've donated or given to someone else to reuse? 



  1. I didn't know your hair was that long. I'm sure your donation will be well used; it is a great gesture.

    1. Thanks. I'm happy about it! This is the second time I've donated to Pantene, which is funny because I never use their products. I'm a plant-based, biodegradable products kind of girl. ;)

  2. One of the most unusual things I "donate" on a regular basis is... blood! I sincerely hope I'll never have to ask for any of it back, though. :) Anyone interested should check out the American Red Cross website or other blood service organization sites (if, for instance, you want your blood to stay only at local hospitals). Giving blood is an example of when reusing something can literally save lives. To be exact, every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion and for every 1 pint of blood you give, up to 3 lives can be saved.

    1. It can't be emphasized enough about what a great gift you're giving! Thank you.
