Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Insight from the Inflight Magazine

As a yoga teacher, I already "knew" the beautiful benefits of meditation but a recent article in AirTran's inflight magazine really resounded with me.  

It's titled "Nothing Really Matters" and it's worth the read if you have a couple minutes.  There's no new age-y vibe in it.  It's straightforward.  Seriously, here's an interesting bit from it:

"But unplugging is hard to do. A recent study by researchers at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business found that most people consider Facebook, Twitter and email harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol. In the study, 205 adults wore devices that recorded a total of 7,827 reports about their daily desires. The desire for media and work proved the most difficult to resist."

It's a really short article that gets right to the point:

"You can achieve a lot—regeneration, calm, emotional balance—by doing nothing."

Now I know how to handle those agitated, sleepless times on my next flight.

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