Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Be Idle Free

I live in a state where my car’s emissions system has be to be checked every couple years.  I had to have my car tested again this week.  (Yeah, I passed!)  And it re-energized my “no idling” ideal.

I’ve stopped idling.  Well, not completely.  It’s hard!  I turn off my car anytime I know I’ll be sitting for more than 30 seconds.  Waiting for a train: check.  Waiting for someone in a parking lot: check.  Having a “driveway moment”: check.   

But it’s tricky.  What if I’m dropping off someone?  How do I know how long we’ll talk?  Do I look presumptuous if I turn off my car?  What about the fact that I drive a hybrid, which rarely idles?  What if it’s cold?  AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

But it really is simple in theory.  Stop idling.  I stumbled upon this over-acted video today.  It addresses a lot of the common concerns:

If you ever think about what kind of gas mileage your car gets, remember that when you idle, it’s ZERO.  That one gets me every time.  I’m really gaining nothing while I’m emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  It uses more gasoline to idle for 10 seconds than it does to turn off and restart a car.  I use the 30 second rule because it factors in the wear and tear on the car, too.

That commercial got me thinking about how if I saw the pollution I was creating, it would be easier to curb it.  Since we can't (usually) see it, I just had to make turning off my car a habit over the past few years.

Many states, counties, and cities in the U.S. and around the world have anti-idling laws but few are enforced.  Find out here if you live in one that does.  I was surprised to learn that my area has one!

There were "no idling" signs in Wyoming with a picture of exhaust blowing right into the faces of animals like bison and moose.  (I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of that!)  At first it made me laugh but then it made me think. Do it for the animals.  Do if for the kids.  Do it for yourself.  Just do it.

What about you?  How do you stay motivated to resist idling in your car?

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