Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days of Green Little Things: Beauty Without Plastic

Welcome back to my 31 Days of Green Little Things!  This is where I discuss the little things I do to help the environment.
Let's think about our grooming/beauty routines today.  How many products do you use that are in plastic bottles, tubes, or jars?  Can any be eliminated or purchased in something other than plastic?  I’ve been working on this for a couple of years and I’m going to be completely honest, IT'S HARD! Plastic seems determined to take over my bathroom.

For the most part, I’ve simply eliminated products. This summer I used a combination tinted moisturizer/sunscreen rather than sunscreen, moisturizer, and foundation in three different plastic containers. (Since I’m being honest, I’m kind of lazy when it comes to makeup so that helps, too.) Finding something I truly like that comes in something other than plastic hasn’t come easily though.  I did find these:
And I love these lip balms. The tubes are a compostable or recyclable paper tube. They’re organic. And, they contain considerably more lip balm than a “normal” plastic container.  If you're lucky you might be able to find them locally.  That wasn't an option for me when I discovered them so I got all 5 “flavors” the first time I ordered, which saved money, packaging, and transportation emissions.  (I'm not a big fan of anything labeled "flavor" and these flavors aren't very strong so I'll probably stick to the natural one when I need to restock, which could be a while.  I've been working on that grapefruit one for 6 months already.)

With some searching, I found a few other things. Last winter I used a heavy moisturizer and toothpaste that came in metal tubes.  (Sadly, the toothpaste is now in a plastic tube.) Some foundations still come in glass bottles. Health food/supplement stores often have soap refill stations where you can refill your old bottle.  If that’s not an option many kinds of hand soaps now have bulk refills so at least I don’t have to keep buying a new pump each time.

Of course, I'd be super-green if I just figured out how to either eliminate all these products or make them myself. I've failed both times I've tried to make dishwasher soap so I'm hesitant to make something for my body! I am thinking about this method of using honey as a facial cleanser (but like makeup I'm pretty lackadaisical about face wash too) and I feel like everywhere I turn someone else is applauding the no-shampoo method but I'm not there yet. I know (for now) buying a better product is a little thing but I'm getting there one baby step at at time. ;)  It's not about guilt.  It's about doing better.

Now it's your turn. Check out your morning routine.  Is there anything that can be plastic-less next time?
To follow other "31 Days" journeys, check out The Nester.  She's hosting this party.
I started a Facebook page for my blog.  "Like" it if you're so inclined.


  1. The "no shampoo" thing is fascinating. I have found that sulfate free shampoos are better for my hair. I don't know if that is green. It's not plastic free........

    1. Oh, yes! Sulfate-free is so much better for the environment! (Fish are thanking you, Steph.) And, apparently, better for your hair too. I have been contemplating the no 'poo method since just before I cut my hair. I don't know why I'm hesitating... maybe we could try it together. ;)
