Friday, October 5, 2012

31 Days of Green Little Things: My Hot Salsa Recipe

Welcome back to my 31 Days of Green Little Things!  This is my place to talk about the little things that I do to help the environment.  I'm glad you're here.
Today’s little thing is actually two things wrapped into one.  (Happy Friday!)  Buy local and make your own.  I love buying things that are locally grown because I can usually talk to the farmer to ask about her growing methods, the produce is super-fresh because it was just picked, and it didn’t travel thousands of miles to arrive in my kitchen.  Win. Win. Win.  I’m learning how to make a lot of things on my own so I know everything in it.  Another win!

I’m sharing my favorite homemade salsa recipe because you can (most likely) still find everything at your local farmers' market.  (If not, it’s so good that you should head to the grocery store. Seriously.)  If you’re not sure where the closest farmers’ market is, check out Local Harvest. It is a great resource to find farmers' markets, restaurants that sources local products, CSAs, and even wool for your next knitting project.  Anyway!

Here’s my salsarific recipe:
6-8 medium tomatoes (almost 2 pounds)
½ medium red onions
1 large or 2 small jalapeños (remove the seeds and ribs for a milder taste)
½ red or orange bell pepper
2 small garlic cloves
1 ear of corn-on-the-cob (about ½ cup)
½ cup cilantro
2 tablespoons of lime juice
Pinch of salt

Remove seeds and dice tomatoes into ¼ inch (or smaller) chunks.
Mince onions, jalapeños, bell pepper, and garlic cloves.
Cut corn kernels off the cob.
Finely chop cilantro.
Place tomatoes, onions, jalapeños, bell peppers, garlic, corn, and cilantro into a large bowl.
Add lime juice and salt.
Stir together.
Place half into food processor or blender and pulse 5-10 times until pureed.
Return pureed half to bowl and mix together.
Enjoy with tortilla chips, in tacos, in omelets, or on burgers. 
If you have any left, store in a glass jar in the fridge.
I love reusing peanut butter jars because of the wide-mouths.
One of my favorite things about this recipe is that the salsa is not "chunky" nor "pureed."  It's just the right mix of both.  Now I just need to figure out how to extend the growing season, and therefore the farmers’ market, beyond the end of this month.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy salsa?  Let me know in the comments.
To follow other "31 Days" journeys, check out The Nester.  She's hosting this party.  Thanks for the motivation to join this year.
today, I'm also linking up with Foodie Friends Friday
I started a Facebook page for my blog.  "Like" it if you're so inclined.


  1. I noticed there is no sugar! I like sweet salsa!!! :)

    1. The corn is sweet. ;) I imagine it would be good with some fruit thrown in there, too.

  2. I love the use of the corn in this salsa to balance sweet and spicy. I've been wanting to make and jar my own salsa and this looks like a great recipe to try! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!

    1. Let me know how it turns out, Ericka! My plan is always to make enough to can or freeze some so we have it all winter. The problem is that my husband and I end up eating at least half of it right out of the mixing bowl. What remains is usually gone within a few days.

  3. That looks sooooo good! I love buying my produce from local farmers, and I like to grow my own even better. Thank you for sharing this at Foodie Friends Friday.

    1. Homegrown is the best! Between the drought and the hungry animals, this year's harvest amounted to little more than 3 tiny jalapenos at our house. :( Next year! I really enjoy Foodie Friends Friday and I'm happy to finally be contributing. Thanks for making it happen.
