Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days of Green Little Things: Share

Welcome back to my 31 Days of Green Little Things!  This is where I discuss the little things I do to help the environment.

Now this is a really simple concept: share what you have. This is a skill we’ve probably all worked on since preschool.  It can be hard but who knew it was so “green” to share.

Let’s think about this in very simplistic terms for a moment.  If I have something that you could use, it makes sense that I would just let you borrow it. This would not only save you money but it would save all the resources needed to create it, transport it the store, stock it at the store, and transport the product to you.  I could have eliminated all of that if I just loaned you what I had.

Yes, sometimes it's hard to ask someone to borrow something.  Next time just think about how "green" you could be, if just ask.  In all likelihood, your friend will be tickled that someone is using their thingamabob that was just gathering dust in the basement anyway.

I’ve heard of neighbors buying tools together.  Seriously, when was the last time you mowed your lawn at the exact same time as your neighbor?!

Another great thing to share is a subscription to a magazine or newspaper, if you still get the paper versions.  Look what my friend just loaned me!
Does sharing "green" stuff make it twice as good?
We have another friend who generously lets us borrow his truck whenever we need to get a scoop of mulch (bought in bulk rather than in a bunch of plastic bags), move a table, or pretty much anything else.  I’m still waiting for him to borrow my little hybrid for his next road trip.

My neighbor borrows my bike a few times each month in the summer.  I even made her wear my helmet once because she didn’t have one.

We’ve even “shared” someone else’s condo in Puerto Rico when we used last year.  See sharing is fun and relaxing! ;)

If you’re feeling especially generous, give it away without expecting it back in return.  Ask that person to pass it along to someone else.  Obviously, this is more likely to happen with a magazine or bike helmet than a truck or condo… but I guess you just never know!

With all this sharing and borrowing going on, we're all going to be well on our way to becoming minimalists.  What can you share this weekend? 
To follow other "31 Days" journeys, check out The Nester.  She's hosting this party. 
I started a Facebook page for my blog.  "Like" it if you're so inclined. (Please.)


  1. Now, if only those magazine companies would start being progressive enough to make digital versions for Android devices then I wouldn't have so many sitting around! :) Until then, I guess I'll have lots to share!

    1. Just remember that every time you share one of those magazines, you allow someone else to learn some great things, too. I love that!
