Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 Days of Green Little Things: Bring Your Own To-Go Container

It's hard to believe that I only have a few more days left in my 31 Days of Green Little Things series!  If you're new here (welcome!), this is where I discuss the little things I do to help the environment.

We take our own carry out containers when we go out to eat.  I know.  What?!

Well, it all started at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  They use stryofoam to-go containers and we hated having to chose between wasting perfectly delicious food just to avoid styrofoam containers. One day it was like a (compact florescent) light bulb went on.  Why not bring our own?!?  So we did... to that restaurant.  Many of the other restaurants we like use reusable plastic or compostable paper containers so when we needed to take something home we didn't mind... too much.  Then another (even greener LED) light bulb turned on.  We should always (try to) bring our own.

We take our own bags when we go shopping, why not take our own food storage containers too?  Now we do.
We chose reusable over compostable this week.
We've mesmerized our friends and servers in the process.  Seriously!  Friends always comment about how "smart" I am for bringing my own to-go container.  Servers are usually confused at first but usually dig it.  One guy now he asks me if I remembered my container rather than if I need one.  (O.K. maybe we go there a lot.)  Last week a new server complimented us on it.  She was thoroughly impressed, which led us into a conversation about how she brings her own grocery bags when she goes to stores that charge for every plastic bag but had no idea she could take them to other stores!

Today I let a friend use my to-go container because we didn't have any leftovers but she did.  She was happy and that made me happy.

The other way we cut down on needing to take anything with us is to share our meal.  Most meals are big enough to feed two adults.  If we're still hungry, we get dessert.  Hooray! And, let's be completely honest, desert is my favorite part anyway.

Now if only I had a stove and/or oven, we could eat at home again....
To follow other "31 Days" journeys, check out The Nester.  She's hosting this party. 
I started a Facebook page for my blog.  "Like" it if you're so inclined. (Please.)

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